Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reforms for Labor Conditions

It's about time we, as the government of the people, and you, as the people, finally step up once again into action to support our struggle for financial success for all, which would be the better economy for Great Britain. For a long time the government as a whole supported trade and business for the people, and you the people have enhanced our economy with your competitive nature within this changing society. We have created roads and canals for transportation of goods and raw materials, we have developed our navy to dominate overseas and bring in more valuables, and we have supported private business. But we have not fully supported the people, and how are we forgetting the driving force of this revolution? The working people, struggling to survive, working for our benefit, have not benefited from this so called improvement to our society. Work is to be expected from us to improve, but we cannot have women and children bent down under machines, working like slaves, treated like slaves, can we? Important men of society, remember this is not just a step up to competition for profit- this is an enlightened society. Years of history has clouded our minds, but if you look up at your ancesters and look down at the weak and the poor:

"I have seen my master, Luke Taylor, with a horse whip standing outside the mill when the children have come too late.........he lashed them all the way to the mill." John Fairbrother, an overlooker, interviewed in 1819.

"Sarah Golding was poorly and so she stopped her machine. James Birch, the overlooker, knocked her to the floor. She got up as well as she could. He knocked her down again. Then she was carried to her house.......she was found dead in her bed. There was another girl called Mary......she knocked her food can to the floor. The master, Mr. Newton, kicked her and caused her to wear away till she died. There was another, Caroline Thompson, who was beaten till she went out of her mind. The overlookers used to cut off the hair of any girl caught talking to a lad. This head shaving was a dreadful punishment. We were more afraid of it than any other punishment for girls are proud of their hair." An interview in 1849 with an unknown woman who worked in a cotton factory as a child. 
What we are, are brutal savages with technology to fascilitate this competition. We help these people, then we will help society. We help the workers, then we will get more quality products. We help improve the lives, and our only path would be forward. Shorter work hours mean lower wages but more employment for more people. The less fatigue the people have, the high the quality, and so selling price. The fact that more people get employed would mean more can buy, and so the quality raise will also come with a justified price. It should be expected of all decent human beings to not torture any employees, as they are not slaves. When everyone's standards of life improve, so will yours.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

To what extent were the revolutions in America and France successful democratic revolutions?

When it comes down to popular belief and a brief glance at these two revolutions, an average person may call the American Revolution more successful than the French Revolution, and therefore more democratic. It is true that these revolutions were started for democratic values, but they underwent a different process and had drastically different results. It's not just that they had different democratic values- they were not and never aimed for a democracy at the end. The American and French Revolution went intended for some democratic values and implemented some of them in either the process or the end of each revolution, but were hardly a democracy, due to the fact that they both failed to achieve equal representation and rights for all citizens, and were only even considered similar at first due to how they opposed the monarchy. It's important to state what exactly a democracy is, then to analyze each revolution from the process to results. With that being said, the two revolutions at the very most only utilized democratic ideas, but not democracy itself.

One of the biggest differences between the goals of the two revolutions and monarchies is the citizen participation within the government. Democratic ideals are supposed to give all citizens equal representation within the government. All citizens would be equal under laws and consequences, and all citizens would have the same amount of rights. In representative democracy, free elections will also be available to all citizens to choose their representation within the government. (Manning, Democracy) No matter if it's parliamentary monarchy in Britain or absolute monarchy in France, these factors were limited to privileges for religious people, nobles, or royal families. However, even the democratic ideas failed to address the inequalities during the time periods of the two revolutions, such as racial tensions and male dominance in society. With these factors in mind, only the process and results can judge how democratic the two revolutions are. Granted, it takes time to improve a political system closer to an idealistic level (which we still have trouble doing), the democratic values aren't held very high in different areas of each revolution. Just to give a perspective, the US is and has always been a "republic", meaning that it doesn't even need to implement all democratic ideals.

The American Revolution was fought between the British colonies in America and Great Britain itself. The famous reason for war was the fact that the colonies had no representation within the Parliament, and so endured with whatever law that was imposed on them. A little before the revolution, the British started milking any profit it can obtain out of the colonies by taxing a high variety of exports to the colonies. The tensions increased after several provoking actions from the two sides, and shots were finally fired. But why was the war fought? The leaders of the revolution held their ideas thinkers such as John Locke, and literally stated what he stated. "Freedom and liberty for all. Proper representation for the citizens within the government, and even creating a new government if necessary." While these quotes weren't exact, they existed within the "Declaration of Independence". These documents at the beginning of war stated how the government failed to represent the people, and so how the people deserved independence. While it holds some democratic values, it has however, never specified what "people", and in failing to do so imbeds old values within these ideals. These "old values" include gender inequality, racial inequality, and the failure of representation of the general people- even most white men.

The process of the American Revolution didn't include surprising or impressive innovations to politics. It was merely a war for independence, and the creating of the government didn't begin until after the colonies' victory. The United States Constitution was ratified in 1778 to form the republic, and the government strived to hold several democratic values for some people. It was however, obviously not a democracy, and nor was that ever stated within the Constitution. The democratic values came mainly from the Bill of Rights, which within the First Amendment included the "Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, and Assembly." In terms of democracy, this gave the people their part within the government, but it stops around there. The people didn't have equal participation rights within the government. First of all, unlike democracy, it's obviously a representative elected by the people to represent the people. Even then, only white males meeting age and property requirements could vote, leading to only 10-16 of the population voting. (Rowen, US Voting Rights) Since slaves are considered property, they don't get basic human rights and aren't protected by the government ether. Considering the fact that the US relied in slavery for its economy, democratic values were suppressed. On the long term, abolitionist groups were founded as early as 1775, the year the revolution started. These events also sparked the eventual push for gender equality, as women were seen absolutely necessary for education, and so the idea of a republic. Some of the earliest changes within the government ties with "Freedom of Religion"; the state will be separated from religion. The Anglican Church of Britain was obviously shut down after the revolution. (Societal Impacts, U.S. History) The revolution wasn't democratic, as the outline for the government wasn't made until after the war. The result wasn't very democratic either, as the people didn't have equal participation within the government, didn't have equal rights, and the government didn't fully represent the population either. No republic would ever make all citizens equal like democracy.

The French Revolution took place during the reign of Louis the XVI, after its involvement in the American Revolution and the Seven Years War. These wars increased the amount of debt, and Louis the XVI's poor decisions didn't deal with these problems or even acknowledge them. The centralized monarchy and nobles lavishly spent on luxuries. France at the time kept to old traditions, such as separation of the population into three estates. The first estate consisted of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church while the second estate consisted of the nobles. The third estate included everyone else, representing 97% of France's population. (Ramírez, Susan E., Peter N. Stearns, Samuel S. Wineburg, and Steven A. Goldberg, 196-197) Since it's an absolute monarchy, the king is able to do whatever he wants, and that absolutely did not include granting rights and freedoms to the people. In order to pay the debts, the king needed to tax the people. The nobles resisted, and so the target went to the third estate. It doesn't take much to sympathize with the third estate with most of them living in terrible, unfair conditions, already paying high taxes to the first two estates and the monarchy, heavy labor, starvation due to a recent drought, and having little power over their lives. Needless to say, some people looked at the American Revolution, realized they can make a change, and decided to take action. The first act with democratic values includes a request on reform on voting procedures on the meeting of the three estates. The third estate wanted more representation within this assembly since they made up the majority of the population. With disapproval from the king, the third estate created the "National Assembly", and declared that the true government of France. The "Declaration of the Right of Man and of the Citizen" has very similar democratic content to the Declaration of Independence. They both sought for freedom and equal rights in all, resistance to government if they don't support the citizens, and equal representation with citizens within the government. While these are very democratic goals, common knowledge of the French Revolution was enough to prove that many of these values didn't keep up.

France turned into a republic after the end of the monarchy, and the first two estates lost all their privileges. Things took a drastic turn due to the high influence of the radical representatives. Famous events such as the "Reign of Terror" proved how the freedom of speech, opinion, press, and to oppose the government were suppressed. The representation of the people within the republic was low. The members of the National Convention weren't there due to an election available to all people, and any opposition to the dominant radicals were destroyed and slaughtered. (Robespierre, Use of Terror) This effectively shut down most of the rights promised by the "Declaration of the Right of Man and the Citizen", other than the equality given to nearly everyone. While one had much protected rights, everyone had the same amount. There were no more privileges to some people, although there were still gender inequalities. Olympe de Gauges, an advocate of women's rights, was also sent to the guillotine. The French Revolution also dechristianized the nation. While it removed the freedom of religion for Christianity, it opened up the freedom of religion for others due to the fact that the Catholic Church will no longer ever have a tight control on France again. (Dunn, Secularizing the Sacred) After the revolution when Napoleon took control, he made sure to reduce the power of the Catholic Church, making way for religious freedom on the long term. While the dictator himself held many democratic ideas to gain popularity, those weren't present in the revolution itself. (Hosack, Concordat/French Revolution) People simply wanted peace and stability, and looked away from the direction the revolution took. The democratic ideals were tossed out in favor of extreme actions of paranoid by members of the National Convention, and the use of terror lost the revolution its popularity. There was a rebellion (Bogle, Vendée Catholics) that was fought to preserve Catholic Christianity, proving how separated the people were on this revolution, despite the "representatives" who are really just members deemed appropriate for the National Convention. The revolution was not democratic, and didn't give positive results until Napoleon implemented some democratic ideals.

The American and French Revolution aimed for certain democratic ideals presented by thinkers, which included improved equality and rights for the people, and how the government should protect them. The American Revolution ended up with a successful, surviving republic, but was hindered by many of the old traditions, including gender inequality, racial inequality, and the lack of representation from the population to vote. The government however strived to emphasize on some basic rights, as presented by the Bill of Rights. Much like the American Revolution, the French Revolution started out to eliminate inequalities amongst citizens, including equal rights for all, a government's duty to protect those rights, and the government's duty to serve the people. However, most of these rights listed in the "Declaration of Right of Man and the Citizen" were forgotten, as soon the revolution became a slaughter-fest. The freedom of speech, opinion, and press were all denied while one specific religion was also banned. There were constant internal conflicts and rebellions to this revolution. The result was a popular appeal from a dictatorship, which goes to show how successful this "democratic" crusade turned out. At the end, the American Revolution and the French Revolution weren't very democratic in terms of process and result, although they did set some foundation on the democratic enlightenment ideals on the long run.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Galileo Alternate Response to the Church

I, Galileo Galilei, son of the late Vincenzio Galilei of Florence, aged 70 years have studied and pondered much of this beautiful world given to us, by none other than God. It is only our goal to not just live for God, but also understand him and this world. It is important all men of God to have sufficient knowledge of their world, and so let humanity flourish. Negating these changes doesn't protect the church, and all will only benefit from this development. I for one have studied with the tools that God have given me, to understand the truth. This is not to prove you wrong, as you have never been wrong. The truth will always be hidden, and if science is to understand, utilize, and develop the truth, then there is not contrast between logic and religion. It is not until then did we discover that Earth was round. This cannot be an exception, and has no negative effect on Christianity whatsoever. However, if the church allows us, to continue to discover and create, as started from the end of the dark days, then our society will flourish. God did not intend for us to suffer, and by achieving our roles would the wonders of the world come through to help us improve. This is only beneficial to the church, and towards God's likings. Knowledge gained through science is not a detractment to faith, but a mere supplement.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Most Significant Historical Development of the Age of Exploration/Expansion

Historical significance involves its impact on the subject after the event being studied. In our case, it involves how it affected how our modern day lives. In terms of analysis, it involves the development, which would be the impact of many causes. Capitalism, in which business is done by private companies, is the most important development made during the Age of Exploration and Expansion because of how different life would be now without it and the fact that many smaller developments such as the increased quantity and demand for goods and during this era slowly led to its creation. This post will explain the different changes that lead to the creation of Capitalism, and why other effects of exploration don't match up to Capitalism.
The importance of economy rose significantly from the Renaissance, with merchants becoming heavily integrated to the society. The guilds involve collaboration between merchants, which works similarly to companies, although it acted more like a regulation for individual merchants. Capitalism involved private individuals or organizations, and the increased amount of goods through the Columbian Trade facilitated the influence of merchants on society. Before the Renaissance, there were no trade or economy in Europe, but the introduction of luxury and surplus goods increased value for many other products. The new desire for exotic items originated from the desire for exploration, conquering, and infinite possibilities. This led to higher demands for new items, alongside with the race to control many factors of trade. Controlling the lands became the source of the raw materials, and the control of sea regulated and monitored shipping routes. Colonies soon sprang, and nations were eager to get a foothold on this new competition for wealth. Merchants, the wealthy, and individuals knew that the risk was high, and so collaborated to create the first companies to gain profit, which was split upon the amount of investment per individual. This very much resembled what we have today, with only several examples of government restricted economy.
Other effects that supported the creation of capitalism in this era involving the race for wealth involved tactics for “Balance of Trade”. The governments, instead of trying to control companies, were willing to support them. They realized that as long as the economy flowed well enough in their nations, they would be able to implement more taxes. The idea of manufacturing goods at minimal costs but resulting at higher value helped the nations sell more and buy less from foreign actors. This led to the creation of more companies for slave trading, manufacturing, and more transporting goods, along with the fact that they're supported by the government. The controlling of colonies as explained above also led to the creation of more companies.
After the explanation of different factors supporting the creation of capitalism, it’s also important to explain why capitalism is the most important development compared to others. The previously explained factors involving high demand for newer goods from the New World lead to huge changes in placements of goods. Plants never seen were exposed to Europe. Diseases were exposed to the Americas. Same applies for animals. While this led to many creations that would be deemed integral to our lives, capitalism was still the most important development out of the era. The new diseases had a large affect in contributing to the deaths of millions of Americans, although the Europeans would eventually still be successful in conquering America without the help of the agents. The dispersion of goods, such as food and slaves are either indirectly or directly related to capitalism itself. Capitalism in fact, actually facilitated other changes of the Age of Exploration due to the fact that the private companies were able to trade and support trade in large amounts across sea.
Capitalism clearly plays a large role in modern society and shapes the model of success in current economy. Things would’ve been very different back then, and all changes brought by the Exploration and Expansion Age only facilitated or were caused by capitalism. The new shift of idea for wealth and the new sources for wealth helped create companies by independent actors. Capitalism was a part of the Age of Exploration, and many other developments would never have occured without it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What economic and political changes in the city-states stimulated the development of the Renaissance?

The Renaissance represented many things, including wealth, new interests in art and literature, different ideas from the Church, and a brief moment in which people can finally stop dying in mass. Ironically, two long-term causes succeeded because of people dying. After the Crusades, the Europeans didn't go home empty-handed. They had information of the Greeks, Romans, and their art/philosophy/lifestyle. This lead to developing art, philosophies, and literature of the Renaissance, while the Europeans also began trading with other regions to increase trade. The second main cause was the reappearance of the Black Death. After the plague, there was a sudden surplus of food for the survivors. The average price for food soon dropped, and people were able to buy more. Although bartering was still a common practice, richer people practiced currency. Soon credits were moving, and banks were created. This new boost to the economy brought attention upon things that weren't previously valued (such as tiles), and then sprang forth specialization. Families were able to control city states through economy, and they will soon become the "Lords" of the Dark Ages. They would attack each other for more land and have also developed an interest in owning artworks.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Why the Dark Ages were truly Dark

Were the Dark Ages really “Dark”?

The darkness of an age can be measured this way: the quality of daily lives, the level of communication and cooperation, the level of advancement in technology and society, the average life span, and the death rate. Important events can also describe the era, and so shape how all mentioned factors result as an aftermath. The Dark Ages do live up to their name, because of how the average life was in poor conditions compared to the past and the other regions around it, how technological and intellectual development was low or even detrimental, how everyone was either at constant conflict with very little unity among the people, and how the death rate was very high. This "darkness" evaluation will first explain and compare Europe during the Dark Ages to Europe in the past and other powerful empires that existed during its time. It will then explain the ordinary lives of the people during the Dark Ages in secular terms then spiritual terms, due to how important religion was at that specific period of time. At last, it will then evaulate the important events of the Dark Ages, explaining how the events portrayed the era in a dark manner.
Just before the Dark Ages was the period of the Roman Empire. The massive size, wealth, and power of it can describe the overall life style of the era at least for the richer of people of the upper class. There were slaves and Plebeians, but the Empire also consisted of advanced public facilities that improved the daily lives of people. There were public bathes, aqueducts for running water, and a certain degree of medication. Other signs of power include knowledge from philosophers and the architecture of buildings. The Dark Ages that followed in Europe showed none of that. Around the same time, the Muslims and the Chinese clearly had a superior lifestyle than what came after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Muslim caliphates represented a time of prosperity between the united Muslims with many technological developments to develop a whole united empire, while Europe at the time was completedly isolated and lost within itself. Every Chinese dynasty represented a moment of peace and unity, with the "Mandate of Heaven" justifying each rule and appealing to the average people. It wasn't until the end of the Crusades that Europe became less isolated and had contact with other regions, vastly improving the populace's daily lives.
During the Dark Ages, the cities were ransacked and broken down, therefore removing all functions of public facilities. There were no running water through aqueducts, and people relied on wells, which were considerably more difficult to rely on. Farming as a result turned a lot less efficient. People moved to small villages or worked as serfs/peasants under powerful people. Either way, people were isolated from what happened around them, and the lack of communicate often disabled them from learning of important events or dangers. Furthermore, the people were hardly united. Different lords of different estates would attack each other for land almost constantly. The lack of a central government, cooperation, and communicate turned each shelter into an internal world. The high crime-rates (if there were even laws) hindered any personnel on the outside. This also meant that there weren't any trade, and the producing of goods was limited to the population within a household. These were clearly a lack of technology, lack of cooperation, lack of communication, and lack of unity in secular terms.
The daily basis for serfs was similar to slaves, only that they truly relied on the lord. They lived in uneven conditions, usually with a very small percentage of food that they worked hard for, poor sheltering, possibly heavy taxes, and lack of decent medication. The main reason for the protection from the lord were technically because of the lords themselves, causing constant warfare across the land. Other than suffering and hardworking, the higher population of serfs and peasants found it really easy to die. One can offend a "superior" such as a knight accidentally and end up being decapitated. One can accidentally come across a skirmish between warriors, or be directly raided by bandits. Or one can simply die of sickness at a really young age. The degrading of society also brought a lack of sophisticated medication, and made everyone prone to sickness. Another side effect was that the average life span was heavily decreased during these times.
Everything explained above focused on secular subjects. An important factor that could've easily defined the Dark Ages was Christianity. Nearly all peasants and lords of Europe believed exclusively in Christianity. Most that defied were often persecuted, and this represented the only unity of the Dark Ages. The powerful factor of this religion was that it convinced the peasants to work. It seemly supported them, although it was often an excuse for the quest for power by Kings, lords, or the Pope. The whole point of their lives was to work hard and to enjoy paradise. The darkness of the Dark Ages focuses mainly on secular factors, and if the common people were so eager to leave the world, then the world may possibly not be very friendly. It may have brought an upside in moral to "leave" the world of the Dark Ages (which would contradict why the Dark Ages weren't dark), but Christianity also represented the misconceptions of the time. This post is not a fight about religion- it's focusing on the fact that because Christianity, the medication was misguided, and that the brutal ideas of justice presented by the powerful, influential people support the reason why the Dark Ages were dark. The "heretics" were slaughtered in brutal ways, and anyone brought to the court (innocent or not) were subject to harsh, unfair treatments. Society may not have necessarily degraded, by its development slowed down. The average people were lost in this dark reality. This was another reason why there was the lack of technology improvement.
The last important factor of judging the darkness of an age is to look at the significant historical events. One of the first was about Clovis, who conquered much of Gaul and became the first ruler to unite Frankish people. While it did bring less fighting for a brief period between the French people, the land was split between Clovis’ sons, which then lead to more conflicts. He was also one of the first examples of a ruler using Christianity for his own advantage. Siding with the Pope brought advantages in resources and moral, as the soldiers were now warriors of Christianity. It didn't change the fact that they were brutal in fighting and in justice. This would mark the trend of misconception or simple twisting of Jesus's words, and it was generally a dark thing. Another important event was the Justinian Plague. It happened in the Byzantine Empire, just east of Europe. The Bubonic Plaque first surfaced there, which easily killed between 30-50% of the population. The empire could've been considered more "civilized" than feudal Europe, and the plaque destroyed any hopes for a return of the glory of the Roman Empire. What was worst was that more plagues were to come in Europe.
Many positive events during the Dark Ages represented slow improvements. In order for a "dark age" to begin and end, it must go from dark to bright. Considering the terrible conditions for general lives and the terrible events that destroyed more life, the Dark Ages should be considerably dark. What can come next would only be improvements, as it can't be any worse. This in fact is a supporting example in why the Dark Ages were dark, which counters any abundance of "positive" events. One such event was for Charles the Hammer in the Battle of Tours against Muslims. While it did save Christianity for priests in Gaul, the average life didn’t improve from this victory. It was however still a positive event that just contributed little to daily lives. The time of Charlemagne's reign as the Holy Roman Emperor seemed to be the most idyllic time of that period. He brought a level of education, which pleased the “prayers” and slightly benefited the others. There was a higher level of stability as he kept a watch on his “vassals” to prevent betrayal or fighting between them. However Vikings have been detracting the lives of villages in Britain near the time of Charlemagne’s death, and it took away most of what little the people had. With constant and yet unpredictable raids on towns, the life went poorer across the whole continent due to the ability of Viking boats to travel through rivers into mainland. To counter this, Alfred the Great built many strong fortifications to avoid the Vikings, and it turned out successful. The peasants had better security, and this contributed greatly to normal lives. The very last event was the Crusades. It was the one time in which Christianity finally worked to help end the Dark Ages. The united holy force was able to gain contact and information with foreigners. First, the people were heavily united. Second of all, the barrier of isolation was broken. This lead to trade, communication, cooperation, new interests, and simply more potenial for development of society. All these were gained through the Crusades, and the long bloody war even thrilled the peasants. They finally had a chance to fight for God, while also having a chance at a different life. They were eager to be placed in heaven after their deaths, whether it were to be in battle or not. This symbolized the very end of the Dark Ages. These were events because they were light that shined from the darkness. Events are meant to have an historical impact. If the timeline passed the Dark Ages and stopped at the modern times, then it would be a considerable rise in development. Positive events happen because life was dark the first place. In this very argument, the bright events were supporting the darkness of the Dark Ages. The dark As explainedevents merely stimulated the darkness.
The people's normal lives generally downgraded from the life during the Roman Empire, and the buildings and art seemed to follow. Early death was normal for them, and sometimes even wished for. The events may seem mainly positive, but it was because that life was terrible that made the events shine. Historic events were meant to change things after all, and in this case, it was improvement. In order for the Dark Ages to end, improvement was necessary, which explains the sudden rise of brightness towards the end. Life was dark, and that was why there were light. At the end, this era couldn't be lighter than what came before and what came after. The improvements of society were slow during these times, and the whole continent was dark alright.